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Warhammer Fantasy Revisited

Warhammer Fantasy Revisited

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Orctober Day 5

Tutoring 7
Skill 5
Idea 4
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A bit of progress on a few fronts over the last couple of days. First point of note was a pleasant surprise in the post from Spain – Minis form the MOM Miniatures ‘Mercenaries’ KS. Outstanding quality and timely delivery – very happy and already plotting another order for more of them. In amongst the bundle of gorgeous goodness I found an orc warlord mini that I had included as an add-on on a whim. Perfect timing as he will be much more appropriate to lead the orc horde than the kitbashed orc I had, who has now been downgraded to unit champion. In amongst the rest of the minis I found the perfect sculpts for a Dogs of War paymaster and a Middenheim army Battle Standard Bearer, so once they are painted up I can call those armies complete (for a given definition of ‘complete’ at any rate…).

In an effort to get some space on my paint bench I pushed through the two blocks of Slaanesh Chaos Warriors and got them up to the dip stage. Once dry I’ll hit up the bases, which will be a snow texture, which I’m hoping will work well enough as the minis have turned out much darker than my original ones (which were painted 20 years and two GW paint ranges ago…).

Orctober Day 5

As for the orcs, hit all the skin areas with the GW contrast paint ‘Ork skin’. First try with the Contrast paints, nice and flowy and good coverage but didn’t seem to contrast as much as I had anticipated straight out of the pot. When I got to the Goblin Wolf riders I wanted a lighter tint to the skin so I mixed a few brush-loads of the Ork green contrast colour with a healthy dose of Liquitex Matt Medium which worked perfectly.

The Night Goblins had been prepped to that point earlier in the year and the Black Orcs skin I’ll paint up with conventional colours and then do a dark tone varnish at the end.

Time spent adding green skin to the horde was about 6 hours so sitting at 7 1/2 for the project thus far.

The horde forms...The horde forms...
Effect of pure contrast paint straight out of the pot...Effect of pure contrast paint straight out of the pot...
Contrast paint heavily diluted with Liquitex Matt Medium...Contrast paint heavily diluted with Liquitex Matt Medium...

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