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Lupa15's Legion of Everblight

Lupa15's Legion of Everblight

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Weekend Football and Everblight

Tutoring 4
Skill 5
Idea 5
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A couple weeks ago I had an opportunity to undercoat my Everblight Archangel with the skin color of GW’s Celestra Grey.  Since that time this guy has been sitting there waiting for paint while I finished working on my Protectorate of Menoth force for the tournament I was going to.

As a little reward for myself after painting so much tan and red I decided to jump into painting this during the NFL games this past weekend.

As a general strategy I am focusing on completing the base first followed by basecoating each aspect of his body since this will be getting a layer of Nuln Oil on most of the body.  I certainly still have alot of work to do but I am enjoying this thoroughly!

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