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Blipvertus multigame Dwarf army

Blipvertus multigame Dwarf army

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Shields Pt 3

Tutoring 3
Skill 3
Idea 4
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With the transfers in place I touched up the rims so there’s no gaps between the transfers and rims. With the transfers in place I touched up the rims so there’s no gaps between the transfers and rims.
I then washed the rims and boss with GW Nuln Oil. I then washed the rims and boss with GW Nuln Oil.
This shot is a shot of the back of the shields before any touch ups. This shot is a shot of the back of the shields before any touch ups.
After clean up the rims and shield backs I washed the rims it’s GW Nuln Oil and the woode with GW Seraphim Sepia. After clean up the rims and shield backs I washed the rims it’s GW Nuln Oil and the woode with GW Seraphim Sepia.

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