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Mythic Battles Spring Clean

Mythic Battles Spring Clean

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Pan - Not the Peruvian pipes!

Tutoring 4
Skill 8
Idea 6

I wanted nice natural tones with Pan. Generally contrast paints when normal highlights. None of these gods so far have taken anymore than 4 hours painting time. Their bases will all be done once I have a few more done and I’ll base a bunch of them together to help with saving time and coherency across the range.

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Cult of Games Member

These are all excellent, and your project a real inspiration.

My girlfriend said the dreaded words to me yesterday ‘I don’t want to play any more of your games with unpainted miniatures’ so it looks like I’d better get some contrast paints and get copying…

Cult of Games Member

I wish contrast paints had been around when I started painting my Mythic Battles.

By the way, I found that the way to stop photos uploading on to the site sideways is to always take photos on my phone with the phone held in the landscape position.

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