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The Little Fellowship (10mm Lord Of The Rings)

Tutoring 10
Skill 16
Idea 14

After wanting to dive into the likes of Warmaster over the past few weeks, I was tempted to pick up some 10mm Copplestone Casting miniatures; an alternative Fellowship Of The Ring.

This was going to be quite a challenge as I’ve never done anything in anything smaller than 20mm before but I’ve finished off both Gandalf and Aragorn this week and I’m pretty happy with them!

First up, we have Gandalf…

The Little Fellowship (10mm Lord Of The Rings)
The Little Fellowship (10mm Lord Of The Rings)

He was my first test miniature and I think that he worked really well. The work that goes into these miniatures seems similar to 28mm although it takes about a tenth of the time. Gandalf was finished in about 30 minutes…

The Little Fellowship (10mm Lord Of The Rings)

Next was Aragorn and he uses a very different colour palette to Gandalf. This was a lot of browns and greens to give the look of Strider the Ranger from Fellowship. I think, once again, it turned out ok!

The Little Fellowship (10mm Lord Of The Rings)
The Little Fellowship (10mm Lord Of The Rings)

These miniatures were at an odd angle and didn’t really show off Aragorn in the best light (at least in my opinion), so I took another shot like the one above for Gandalf which gives you a better look at his features and such from the front.

The Little Fellowship (10mm Lord Of The Rings)

Considering these were my first 10mm figures, I am pretty pleased with how they turned out. I have Legolas, Boromir, Gimli and the four Hobbits to work on after this and they all look a bit more challenging!

The Hobbits, in particular, are going to be very interesting indeed since they are even smaller and are packed with detail regardless.

One question I do want to ask is, what is the best basing material for 10mm figures and where do you get it from? I have been told very, very fine sand is a good idea and just paint it green?

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Cult of Games Member

Really nice work Ben. Very impressive

Maybe a slightly lighter brown for Aragorns belt? Though still look fine as is

I use extra fine grit you can buy from Amazon or ebay

This sort of stuff

I find it useful to add a small amount of larger gravel to the finer stuff in a big pot so you get a bit of variation

The gravel will also be useful for when you start painting 6mm

Cult of Games Member

Oh, Lord of the Rings in an easy to store size!

Can’t beat that. 🙂

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