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Rangers of Shadow Deep - Solo play project

Rangers of Shadow Deep - Solo play project

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Tor Vardon The Lower Tower Room 2

Tutoring 6
Skill 6
Idea 6
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Tor Vardon The Lower Tower Room 2

The next room was a torture chamber. I got to use my Gnoll Jailer and he did injure the soldier you meet in the chamber, but was later killed by him. The terrain was described as sparse so didn’t go overboard, but it was fun to see my racks in play.

The Rogue, Edwin was down to 2 health fighting the gnoll sergeant in the room, but the team rallied around and yet again Otto hit far above his weight killing more Gnolls. I chose to leave Edwin out of harms way and had time to gather around the door before opening it. Again we beat the 4 turn limit and ventured into the next room.

Tor Vardon The Lower Tower Room 2
Tor Vardon The Lower Tower Room 2

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