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Burrows and Badgers Draws In 144Artist

Burrows and Badgers Draws In 144Artist

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A Crafty Squirrel Ranger Joins the Team

Tutoring 9
Skill 20
Idea 17

From the beginning, this has been one of the sculpts that caught my eye and made me want to paint it.  Classic archer’s pose with a face Beatrix Potter could have painted when she was pissed off.  He has that,”I maybe small but I’m fast and fearless!” look that the real world rodents have.  Ask my dogs about that one some time. Wonder how the species get along in B&B?

A Crafty Squirrel Ranger Joins the Team
A Crafty Squirrel Ranger Joins the Team
A Crafty Squirrel Ranger Joins the Team
A Crafty Squirrel Ranger Joins the Team
A Crafty Squirrel Ranger Joins the Team
A Crafty Squirrel Ranger Joins the Team
A Crafty Squirrel Ranger Joins the Team
A Crafty Squirrel Ranger Joins the Team
Drop the acorn and back away slowly.Drop the acorn and back away slowly.

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zorg144artistzebraoutrider Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

Fantastic work again. I think it helps that you can take a great photo. How do you get that ideal bluish background – is it a physical backdrop in a lit photo box or photoshopped in and edited?

Cult of Games Member

stunning work on the figures @144artist well worth the gold button.

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