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Making a fist of Indomitus

Making a fist of Indomitus

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Tutoring 14
Skill 14
Idea 13
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To start with a base coat of Demonic Yellow from an army painter rattle can, then a wash with Cassandora Yellow. Then an over brush of Demonic Yellow as I felt the wash made the yellow to orangey, then a dry brush of Hexos Palesun.
Then the flexible joints and parts of the pistol are painted with leadbelcher, and all the cloth and leather parts are painted with wraithbone. The shoulder trim and the shield edges are painted black and the raised parts of the shield are painted with gunmetal.

Then black templar over the leadbelcher flexible joints, and the leather is cygor brown. The chest eagle is khorne red, and then washed with nuln oil as was all the remaining leadbelcher/gunmetal.

The remaining metal parts painted with brassy brass, the sword sheath is wyldwood. The black parts are edge highlighted with eshin grey and the main part of the shield is rakarth flesh.

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