Kharegims saga
Harald crowbone goes a viking
So this project and me getting into saga began last year with a trip to the UK and Ireland with my girlfriend. We visited the viking museum in Dublin and my curiosity for the dark ages was piqued. Queue a week later when we visited the lead belt and I wound up with 6 points of vikings and all the things I’d need to get playing!
I arrived home and fortunately a whole heap of friends were getting into saga and very shortly I was hooked. I painted these using entirely army painter primers and paints. Specifically priming in leather brown, wolf grey, dragon red, gun metal, ultramarine blue and desert yellow. I then picked out the skin in barbarian flesh, the metal in gun metal and weapon bronze, white clothing in spaceship exterior, boots in oak brown and wood in leather brown, green was just greenskin. Shields were painted in a few coats of white for the transfers. The white cloth was then washed in GW apothecary white, while everything else was washed in strong tone.
When everything was dry I then picked out the initial colours again. Red hair was done with abomination red and pure red. While blonde hair was done with the reaper blonde triad. The fur was just a drybrush of skeleton bone over washed leather brown.
Transfers from little big men studios were then applied.
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