Frostgrave Warband
Traantje Smallfist
I wanted to make one more thug from the Heavy Inf. Oathmark sprue, to replace Thrax because he really has a double handed axe and should be a specialist in a later adventure.
I ran out of the light Inf. shield arms in my kitbashing so had to turn to a Gripping Beast Viking arm instead and the fist came up a touch smaller than the dwarf arm wielding an axe. Always wanted to use Traantje (Trang-cha) as it’s a cool sounding Dutch word and Smallfist is self evident.
I also didn’t find a Light Inf Oathmark head I liked so I found a Heavy Inf one and removed the helm crest and painted it to try and look like leather armour.
With the Viking chainmail left arm I used a piece of card to mirror the “pauldron”? on the other side and I’m happy with the result.
After this kitbash it gives me two more bodies on the Heavy Inf Dwarf sprue to make maybe a knight, templar or a man-at-arms to bulk this party up if I get them into a campaign and level up a bit.
I was going to have to ignore the armour on the minis and their Frostgrave soldier classes because thugs and thieves shouldn’t be as well armoured as some of these guys are. (To some mini makers a dwarf without armour is a gnome and that’s not the look I was going for.) I have tried to play down the level of armour in my paint schemes as at least a nod to wysiwyg. Loin and Groin with their red leather armour for example and some shoulder plate pieces on thugs painted brown to downgrade to leather where I felt it looked OK. With my Templar and Man-at-arms I can paint everything like it was intended. Metal plates gleaming to make them standout from the beige thugs etc. Looking forward to that.
I have been quite impressed by how easy it has been to build character into what are essentially designed as ranked up mass battle infantry for Oathmark.
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