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Klorophil's Warhammer Armies

Klorophil's Warhammer Armies

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Primaris Intercessors.

Tutoring 5
Skill 5
Idea 5
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So I’ve got one of my Intercessor squads done. I used the same recipe as below. However, I decided to go true metal metallics this time and I really prefer this result.

For the steel elements, I used Army Painter Gunmetal. Nothing special about this paint, it’s just what I had handy. Once that was dry I washed everything with Citadel Nuln Oil. I decided against highlighting this as I find the muted tone fitting to a used combat armor.

For the gold elements. I first put a very thin coat of P3 Moldy Ochre yellow. I wanted to use Citadel Averland Sunset but my pot was dried beyond salvage. So Moldy Ochre it was. It doesn’t really matter. The goal is only to put a yellow coat under the gold. That way a single coat of metallic gold will be enough as anything not covered by the first pass will show up as yellow. I used Citadel Retributor Armor for the first pass of metallics. Once that was dry I washed everything with Reikland Fleshade. Once that was dry I put a final highlight of Citadel Gehena’s Gold on parts which would receive the most light in real-life.

Here are the results.

Primaris Intercessors.
Primaris Intercessors.
Primaris Intercessors.
Primaris Intercessors.
Primaris Intercessors.

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