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Space 2021 - A Star Saga

Space 2021 - A Star Saga

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3.4 - Gunslingers

Tutoring 4
Skill 6
Idea 5

Huh, Tentacles in suits.

After not doing very much for a week a bit, Ian finally got round to painting the gunslingers, which are just basic line troops for Nameless (one of three variants).  I kind of like how the Nameless have tried to force there tantacular (is that a word?  It is now) forms into protective suits but their limbs are still essentially tentacles.

As with all minion level models these are done entirely with contrast paint finished with a purple wash and then a gloss varnish at the end

Nameless Gunslinger ArtworkNameless Gunslinger Artwork
Nameless Gunslingers painted by IanNameless Gunslingers painted by Ian

Art Credits Rob Jenkins and Roberto Cirillo

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onlyonepinmanzorg Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

stunning work on your project figures @onlyonepinman a well deserved gold button.

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