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Barbarian Warband For Frostgrave

Barbarian Warband For Frostgrave

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Week 4 & How I do the Snow

Tutoring 9
Skill 10
Idea 8
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Captain & TemplarCaptain & Templar
Knight & BerserkerKnight & Berserker

Only four miniatures last week as I’ve been distracted by a few other things (cough, A Billion Suns, cough). But only 9 miniatures left now.

The Snow

The materialsThe materials

A few people have asked me how I do the snow on these Barbarian miniatures. Above are what I use, Army Painter snow and cheap Poundland PVA glue.


Unlike snow flock the Army Painter snow is more like a power.

The mixThe mix

I mix the powder with the glue roughly 1:1 until it’s in a think paste. Then apply it to the base with a sculpting tool. I also lightly touch the top of the tufts so some of the mix sticks to it to give the impression of a fresh fluffy snowfall onto the grass.


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