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Infinity Spring Cleaning

Infinity Spring Cleaning

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Better Nox Pics (this time with more Lloyd)

Tutoring 7
Skill 11
Idea 7
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Better Nox Pics (this time with more Lloyd)
Better Nox Pics (this time with more Lloyd)
Better Nox Pics (this time with more Lloyd)
Better Nox Pics (this time with more Lloyd)

I’m quite pleased with how these turned out. I didn’t use my usual rattle can varnish this time but rather pumped some Vallejo Mecha Matte through my airbrush and that’s what I’ll be using from here on out. Goes on quickly and is nice and matte indeed.

These ended up being a bit more grey in the armor than black by the time I finished highlighting them up but truth is I’m quite pleased with the look. And as this little beasties start to come to life A) I’m increasingly fond of the combined army and B) I’m getting increasing excited to play Defiance.

I’m currently finishing up an Imperial Assault campaign and quite enjoying it. Having read through the Defiance rulebook there are certainly some similarities to the mechanics so the learning curve shouldn’t be too steep. Of course, that may well be true of most dungeon crawly coop games. Regardless, I’m really looking forward to getting to play this–though admittedly I still have some way to go on getting everything painted up. 10 down (I finished the seed soldiers tonight too. Pics to come soon.), 18 Combined Army to go. And then the heroes. So yeah, a good bit. But it’s coming together!

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