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Collins Does Solo RPG 'The Wretched'

Collins Does Solo RPG 'The Wretched'

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Idea 9

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Now the story is over we can return to the book/guide I bought for more flavour text.

It’s content goes as follows.


What happened? Did you light the beacon? Did rescue come, snatching you way from a cold lonely death?

Or did the creature take you? Did you start into its maw as it descended, one final victim to a nameless horror?

You tried to repair the engines. You had hope that it could be done. Everything you know about the situation you were in told you it could be done.

That was a lie.

You have been telling a story during this game, but the story begain before you drew your first card. The rules in this book are a story and they were told to you by an unreliable narrator – the human capacity for hope, and the desire to survive against the odds.

There was never any hope of you repairing the ship. No matter how many tasks you completed. The engines were never going to fire again. The best you could do was to survive long enough for help to come and even that was unlikely.

You were doomed from the start. And somewhere inside you you knew this, even as you were desperately clinging onto hope.

You may not have survived but the log of your final days lives on. What becomes of it now? Will it be found by a salvage ship much like yours, to serve as a warning for those intending to brave the cold depths of space? Did you pass it onto your rescuers, a chronicle of what you went through?

Or is it lost forever, adrift in the black where nobody will hear your words again?

When you close this book, put down this game, what will become of all you have done here?

You are unlikely to be remembered…


Author/Player's Thoughts

Wow… Just Wow. What a ride… to tell you the truth I am exhausted with it, it does take a lot of effort to try and write something that is enjoyable for yourself, nevermind the people who come to read it. Clearly some of you have really enjoyed it and been following along the way. Thank you for slogging it out, there were some real naff entries that you had to put up with but occasionally I got on a roll and think I put out a gem or two.

If I was to do it again I think I would try and record them as video logs or actual audio logs. That would be cool and have a ‘The Martian’ film vibe to it rather than this ‘The Martian’ the book crossed with ALIEN and stolen characters from Star Wars vibe.


If you want to have a go at one of these yourself, tag me in it so I can read along with your adventure too.


Oh and by the way, I used up all bar two cards from the deck, which means this was a long game.

I had 6/10 beacon tokens left which meant that I was not close to getting rescued.

And to top it all off, out of 100 d6 (removing any that rolled 1s) used to simulate the jenga tower, I have 1 left!! Just 1!!!

It was drawing all 4 kings that got me, which meant I was killed by the creature (or Xenomorph…it was clearly one of them).

So as the book said in it’s debrief, the chances of my survival were slim to none and I managed to last longer than average I think…

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Cult of Games Member

Thanks for sharing, this was immensely enjoyable to follow along. I don’t recall any of the entries being poor, and quite liked the counterpoint of slightly more mundane entries vs the more manic events.

Have you tried out any other solo journalling RPGs similar to this?

Cult of Games Member

Wow that was a great story @collins loved all the toing an froing in the ship as things get worse as things fail to work and the alien vandalised things it may be worth doing a continuation of the story with the captain of the other ship.

Which reminds me I’ve not finished alien isolation which is very similar in many ways to this game.

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