Spring Cleaning - with an AT-AT!
Lots of clones - all unique
I’m approaching the Clone Wars project from a different angle than I originally thought. I just like the idea of focusing on the 501st clones that we’ve met in various stories throughout the series, who were all unique people. I’m going to include all the notable 501st clones in my force – the lynchpin being the Darkness on Umbara storyline, which featured a bunch of them. These troopers all had their armour marked with individual markings, all of which I want to reproduce accurately. This means the batch painting that was originally planned falls flat except for a few basic and a few finishing steps, but the troopers end up all the cooler for it, and that always motivates me the most. Many take the opportunity to develop their own clone trooper forces, but I would rather memorialise the characters from the series with my force.
Of the first squad of 6, the painting has already progressed far on three, so the armour elements with individual markings are basically finished, although equipment and many details still need to be done. From left to right – Sergeant Appo, Trooper Jesse, and Trooper Tup:
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