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Stargrave - Rogue Trader. The Adventures of Captain Horatio Nelson

Stargrave - Rogue Trader. The Adventures of Captain Horatio Nelson

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We are going to need some models

Tutoring 6
Skill 7
Idea 7
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Stargave offical models Stargave offical models

Stargrave allows you to use what models you like to represent the crew but they also have 3 boxes of models which is an ideal place to start. I was luckly enough to get these 3 plastic sets at a reduced price through the nickstarter and some metal models below.

I am going to start to build 5 from each set just with the elements from that set to see what I can come up with. In doing so we will review the kits as well. At this point I am not building them with any defined crew in mind it will be just the rule of cool and what I like. Later we will have a start at building a crew for the Captain Horatio Nelson.

For Captain Horatio Nelson I am going to be using converted Imperial guard model pictured below. He is not quite finished at table level just waiting on some paint to complete him.

Captain Horatio NelsonCaptain Horatio Nelson

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