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Where wolf’s ears are, wolf’s teeth are near!  - Volsunga Saga

Where wolf’s ears are, wolf’s teeth are near! - Volsunga Saga

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Working With Werewolves - pt.1

Tutoring 10
Skill 14
Idea 12
No Comments

Hi everyone,

The werewolf creature unit was supposed to be the first unit I wanted to paint, but I had a few issues with them.  First there were a lot of air bubbles ( even on their snouts), then there was a lot of flash to clean on very white resin.  After I primed them many thin line flash and grooves popped out.  I swear I could not see them with the white resin.

At this point my enthusiasm was deflated, so I decided to work on the rest of the force and leave the werewolves to last.

After going back to them and cleaning them up properly, I decided to paint them all in one scheme – from one tribe so to speak.  This would speed up painting time.

The first step was to choose a colour – dark brown – for the base.  Then I painted up the fur and the eyes and mouths altogether.  I over brightened the fur and skin intentionally, because I knew it would be muted down with the oil washes.

Working With Werewolves - pt.1

Normally, I hate dry-brushing, but to speed things up (and because they are gaming pieces) I went with this technique.  I then went on to paint the first model and give it an oil wash to mute and tie everything together.

Working With Werewolves - pt.1

Below is a quick comparison between the first stage of painting and the last.

Working With Werewolves - pt.1
Working With Werewolves - pt.1

I will paint the bases and add tufts at the end when all the wolves are painted up.

I think this is a reasonable tabletop standard considering the speed and techniques used.

Until next time stay safe and have fun with your projects as usual.



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