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144artist paints Mantic's Terrain Crate

144artist paints Mantic's Terrain Crate

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Cozier Cottage

Tutoring 7
Skill 10
Idea 10
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I’ve finished up the small bed and bedroom furniture set from Cozy Cottage.  The plaid I put on the bed was easy and made me pull out the large bed to receive a similar treatment.  I’ll document that on my Freehand blog. I’m making good progress one these sets and have now washed the last pieces from the Bellevue Square set.  Keep in mind this doesn’t mean they are painted just ready to be painted.  Of course this does mean they are in line and not in the Closet of Potential so it will happen soon.

Cozier Cottage
A couple more sets of hospital bits to paint and then onto all those old time cans and packages.  Still looking at reference for those.A couple more sets of hospital bits to paint and then onto all those old time cans and packages. Still looking at reference for those.
Everything on this side is painted however, there are a few duplicates which are a bonus from the Kickstart.  That means I have at least one more kitchen set to paint.Everything on this side is painted however, there are a few duplicates which are a bonus from the Kickstart. That means I have at least one more kitchen set to paint.

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Cult of Games Member

Very realistic! Great stuff again… ?

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