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Wolsung by Poentje

Wolsung by Poentje

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Airship + building

Tutoring 12
Skill 11
Idea 14

The last couple of weeks I’ve been printing the airship. It still isn’t finished completely but I’m making some progress. The blimp is complete (and weighs in at 2050 grams). The 1st level of the hull is complete except for the interior walls. The 3rd level of the hull is also complete except for the railings. Here are some pics with a Wolsung mini for scale.


Hull level 1Hull level 1
Hull level 3Hull level 3

I need to fill some gaps before I can paint the airship. I think I will use Milliput for this. If anybody has a better idea, please let me know.

Also I have built a block of flats, I bought two kits at Micro Art Studios. I have split them up in a 1-story and 3-story building. The smallest of the two is finished. For the larger building I need more coffeestirrers for the wooden floor on the ground level. So on monday I’ll have an office day (I work at a coffee company) and take some home with me :-).


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poentjeradegast6144artist Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

The blimp is really coming along well but it is the wall paper in the Residential interiors that I’m in love with.

Cult of Games Member

Looks cool. are you planning to do weathering ?I recommend chalk powder it gives very natural loo and patterns on paper,

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