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Collins Doesn't do Savage Frontier

Collins Doesn't do Savage Frontier

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for Fir's sake

Tutoring 7
Skill 7
Idea 7
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mod podge the armature and apply 12mm static grassmod podge the armature and apply 12mm static grass
wear a mask so you don't breath in nylon fibres!wear a mask so you don't breath in nylon fibres!
use a spray adhesive to add the 2mm to the 12mm static grassuse a spray adhesive to add the 2mm to the 12mm static grass
all done... can still see the glue underneath, may have overdone it on the spray.all done... can still see the glue underneath, may have overdone it on the spray.

The static grass used was woodland scenics 12mm dark green and 2mm dark green. it looks super light though! would hate to see how light the light green that woodland scenics has!

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