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Beaky Bobby!!!!

Tutoring 18
Skill 19
Idea 17
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First Moonstone mini is complete! My initial idea was to do these minis up quick and simply. After all this is a game I am actually planning to play and one that maaaaaay be a gateway game to get my wife into tabletop gaming.
So, thought I,  quick simple paintjob, one mini per sitting. Get them done and ready for the table. (terrain will be another thing esp after seeing about tabletop world has to offer……….. bugger)

So I started with Beaky Bobby, a goblin ….. apothecary (? ) ftom the New Dominion faction – let’s get him done. no frills, no fannying about, no getting sucked in……..

Quick leather workup to start – by the numbers dirty old leather trenchie……….. so far so good……..

Beaky Bobby!!!!

Next the mask…….. then it all went Pete Tong. …….. I got sucked in……. and a few paint sessions later ….. Beaky Bobby was done…… all in all …… probably about 7 hours of work. Faster than usual but ……… ah feck it……. they are gorgeous minis!!!

Beaky Bobby!!!!

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