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Egyptian Mythology Display - Spring Clean 2024

Egyptian Mythology Display - Spring Clean 2024

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Review of The Story of Egypt by Joann Fletcher: Chapters 5 to 20

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I’d planned to update my review of the book more regularly but in the end I read it all taking notes as I went. I found the history interesting throughout, but the latter chapters were particularly interesting as Egypt begins to interact with Greece and then Rome. Of course one of the reasons for this is that both the Greeks and Romans kept written records that provide incites into the events of the time. In earlier chapters (which cover earlier periods of history) details are harder to come by.


Chapter 5: Lords and Ladies of the two lands: c.3100-2890 BC

Ritual executions (so people could be mummified along with their monarch) were performed by ritual cut or smashing their head in with a ceremonial mace.


Chapter 6: Shifting focus: c.2890-2686 BC

This was the period of the second dynasty where there appears to have been a religious schism and a new ruler in the south. Eventually the south won.


Chapter 7: The rise of the pyramid age: c.2667-2613 BC

The third dynasty and start of pyramid construction. They also built a single pyramid in each administrative region next to the tax house as a sign of authority.


Chapter 8: Sons and daughters of the sun: c.2613-2494 BC

Egypt is waging wars as far west as Libya and as far south as Sudan.


Chapter 9: The rule of Ra: c.2494-2375 BC

The Egyptians go to war with a city in Palestine called Sati. Sati has an army of knife wielding women that are regarded as being particularly brutal.


Chapter 11: Anarchy in the two lands: c.2181-1985 BC

Helmets are yet to be invented so warriors protect their head with braided hair. Warfare uses bows, slings, and cow hide shields.


Chapter 14: Divided and conquered: c.1650-1550 BC

By now Egypt is using composite bows, bronze body armour, helmets, smaller lighter shields, the khopesh, chariots and horses.


Chapter 15: Dawn of the golden age: c.1550-1425 BC

Egypt is using bronze which gives them a technical advantage. Their swords retain their edges better. Their enemies are still predominantly still using pure copper weapons.


Chapter 19: Decline, rise and fall: c.1069-332 BC

The Egyptian empire is at its greatest heights. A Pharaoh is mummified in “cutting edge breastplate” which consists of layers of linen reinforced in resin. Sounds like it would be much like fibreglass to me.


Chapter 20: The final flourish: c.332-30 BC

Having being liberated from the Persian Empire by Alexander the Great, Egypt is now heavily influenced by Greek culture and the city of Alexandria is founded which is a great cultural centre with both a great library and temple of the muses (i.e. a museum). In one temple they had a 2m tall levitating statue, held up by load stones (magnets) in the roof.

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