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Sanguis, Sudore et Iubentium

Sanguis, Sudore et Iubentium

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Tutoring 9
Skill 9
Idea 9
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Since this is going to be a Game Board it needs to show what it is. I printed out “Blood, Sweat and Cheers” onto copier paper. Rubbed graphite on the back side and then cut out each word. I then outlined each word with a ballpoint pen. I removed the stripes and with a Yellow ink pen filled in each letter.

If I ever get the nerve up to bring this to a convention it will be easy to know what is being played.

Strength and Honor!

My side of the board when playing the game. I'm left handed so I made sure nothing absuced that side. My side of the board when playing the game. I'm left handed so I made sure nothing absuced that side.
Finished East side. Finished East side.
Finished West side.Finished West side.

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