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CrackCon 21

CrackCon 21

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Third Turn

Tutoring 7
Skill 7
Idea 7
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French, Turn 3

Pinned down by disorder the main french attack in the center has stalled and instead opts to regroup.

The French artillery continues to lay down fire on the Prussian Left flank on the riverbanks.

On the French right, the Austrians reform and open fire on the advancing cavalry, scoring casualties on the Landwehr.

Prussian Turn, 3

The Prussian Charge BeginsThe Prussian Charge Begins

The Prussian turn sees the begining of some agressive action, eager to take the opposite side of the river bank the charge begins.

Led by the brave landwehr battalion who set the example charging across the bridge into the oncoming french columns.

Seeing a gap in the French Line the Hussars opt to advance across the  river in preperation for a charge in the upcoming turn.

On the Prussian Left the 6th Line contine to deliver harassing fire to the french cavalry while the shutzen contine to hold up the main french advance.

The landwehr cavalry suffer under the french fireThe landwehr cavalry suffer under the french fire

The Landwehr Cavarly charge the French Austrians on the opposite riverbank, taking heavy fire before reaching the river they quickly rout and decide to retire from the battle as the first casualties for the game.

In the center, the Landwehr valiantly mange to stand their ground against the French attack with both sides suffering casualties.

The end of turn 3 following the prussian charge across the riverThe end of turn 3 following the prussian charge across the river

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