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Collins Does Star Wars Legion

Collins Does Star Wars Legion

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Fly boys bring the pain

Tutoring 9
Skill 9
Idea 9
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Zeth Arthdiver

Being a hotshot pilot comes with with plenty of perks and an abundance of overconfidence. There is nothing this Mirialan pilot cannot achieve in the sky but he is very much out of his depth in ground based combat, not that Zeth would ever admit it

Corvus Binardasher

This Pantoran pilot had humble beginnings flying mediocre shuttles before joining a planetary defence fleet. There he upgraded to the equally mediocre Z-95 Headhunters. In the interests of never-ending adrenaline rushes Corvus joined the Rebellion, changing the local governor’s iconography for the Rebel Starbird and his 2 winged Headhunter for the much more impressive 4 winged X-Wing

Joruus Law

Joruus is Alderaanian. Nobody needs to ask his motivation for joining the Alliance. He leads the reformed Blue Squadron since it’s destruction at the battle of Scarif.

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