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Krieg 3rd armoured division : the iron knights

Krieg 3rd armoured division : the iron knights

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Like the dead, in silence we shall rise!

Tutoring 10
Skill 13
Idea 13
Finally! The 3rd armoured has been called upon to stand in defense of the Icarian sector! After two years of plague the armies of the apocalypse shall be summoned forth! Lol so a game of apocalypse has finally been agreed upon for the 8th of January. I’m helping set up the rules and the teams and also wanted to get some extra artillery and upgrade a few models for the game! I figured redirecting this old log would help boost my motivation to get through. Hopefully this log will be updated pretty regularly each weekend until the game. And I’ll give writing a battle report a try as well. Here is my progress on the second medusa. Hopefully the full battery can have all its details and crew completed for the game!Finally! The 3rd armoured has been called upon to stand in defense of the Icarian sector! After two years of plague the armies of the apocalypse shall be summoned forth! Lol so a game of apocalypse has finally been agreed upon for the 8th of January. I’m helping set up the rules and the teams and also wanted to get some extra artillery and upgrade a few models for the game! I figured redirecting this old log would help boost my motivation to get through. Hopefully this log will be updated pretty regularly each weekend until the game. And I’ll give writing a battle report a try as well. Here is my progress on the second medusa. Hopefully the full battery can have all its details and crew completed for the game!

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Cult of Games Member

From one treadhead to another – cracking work! Great inspiration… ???

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