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Krieg 3rd armoured division : the iron knights

Krieg 3rd armoured division : the iron knights

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A distraction for a friend

Tutoring 10
Skill 10
Idea 10
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A finished doggo!A finished doggo!

So what do you do when your friend is terrified of a model? Well, you build it and paint it for them obviously!
so a friend of mine picked this up last year and was far too intimidated and overwhelmed to build and paint it. They really really wanted it ready for the apoc game coming up so I put aside my detailing and those never ending bases I still need to finish and I took on the challenge of building and painting a Titan in a weekend.
This wasn’t my first. A few years ago I completed both my reaver and warlord so this appeared to be a far easier task. So I set about pinning and clipping many resin bits and took most of the day to get her built from the ground up

10 hrs later10 hrs later

Fortunately my friend wanted to pitch in so I had them back coat it and spray it silver in preparation for the painting day to follow.

So shinny. So shinny.

After this I set about speed painting a Titan. I only had one day to complete it so we decided the interior is out and a 90% airbrush job was in!
I took on the task of moderately matching my color scheme on the blues while my friend took over the task of painting the trim.  A quick airbrush of black in the recesses of the silver gave the appearance of grim and 4ish hrs later we had a finished Titan! Ready to stand alongside the 3rd armoured division in the coming battle. She will have to wait for an even larger game before she can stand in the shadows of her kin. But for now. She will certainly be the lord of war for the imperial side!

Half way through the black “weathering” Half way through the black “weathering”

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Hello there, uHH here… is that your hobby room or your kitchen?

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