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I Swear I had something for this; The Others 7 Sins

I Swear I had something for this; The Others 7 Sins

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I think I actually did it.

Tutoring 1
Skill 1
Idea 1
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I remember feeling pretty proud of the paint jobs of my heroes, before actually looking at them recently.

THIS, however, this is a job I am actually, honestly proud of. I used AK Nato Green for the body, Rakarth flesh for the underbelly, Morghast bone for the teeth and claws, and AK Wine Red for the tongue, tumors, and eyes.

Then I did something crazy by dry brushing airbrush white over the tongue and tumors, then washed them with red acrylic ink. It… Was fine, it turned out a lot brighter than I hoped, but it’s fine.

To highlight the green, I mixed more Nato green with the Rakarth flesh and dry brushed that. Then I dry brushed the underbelly and claws, teeth, et al, with the airbrush white I used on the red, and washed everything but the red in Agrax Earthshade.

Then I did one last dry brush of Nato Green on the body and Morghast Bone on the teeth, claws, etc.

I got my color scheme for (most of) the bad guys.I got my color scheme for (most of) the bad guys.

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