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144artist Loves Kings of War

144artist Loves Kings of War

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Undead Dragon for the Undead Army

Tutoring 6
Skill 8
Idea 8
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When the Dwarf army gets fresh troops my Undead army should grow as well.  Otherwise there would be an unbalance in military strength within my collection.  I would love to be that organized and planned out but the truth is that this is the first model I pulled out of the Reaper Bones 5 Kickstart rewards, excited to paint right away.  Then he sat on my desk for over a year waiting to be glued to a Titan base while I was unable to decide what color dead dragon he should be.  In the end, the idea of a rotting green dragon lurking in some overgrown ruin really caught my imagination.  I had as much fun with the undergrowth as I did with painting the figure.  I used mostly Scale75’s Instant Colors to see what I could do with them.

Undead Dragon for the Undead Army
Undead Dragon for the Undead Army
Undead Dragon for the Undead Army
Undead Dragon for the Undead Army
Undead Dragon for the Undead Army
Undead Dragon for the Undead Army
Undead Dragon for the Undead Army
Undead Dragon for the Undead Army
Undead Dragon for the Undead Army
Undead Dragon for the Undead Army

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Cult of Games Member

@144artist How you consistently produce such works of art is truly amazing! It’s become a real privilege just to view your work across your projects. Thank you for sharing it with this community and continuing to inspire.?????

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