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A Dread of Dark Wolves - Pt 02 - The Pack is Ready to Pounce!

Tutoring 10
Skill 11
Idea 11

Hi everyone,

I had two days off and I spent it all on hobby – it was glorious!  I managed to finish off all my Dark Wolf pack, including the direwolves.  I also worked on my 10mm High Elves – but more on that later.

The dreaded pack of Dark Wolves.The dreaded pack of Dark Wolves.

Below is a closer look at the newer wolves I painted up.  As you can see there are three types of subtly different colour schemes.  One is based on dark grey, one on dark blue and the last on a mid-grey.

I did not want any browns because I did not want them to look like a normal pack of wolves.  All black and grey makes them look scarier to me.

A more bluish black colour scheme.A more bluish black colour scheme.
The first model is the black grey style, next is the mid-grey and last is the blue black style.The first model is the black grey style, next is the mid-grey and last is the blue black style.

The last two models are my direwolves.  These beautiful minis are from Gamezone Miniatures and they come in resin or metal (the resin version is half the price roughly).

I wanted to simulate the story of ‘The lions of Tsavo‘.  These were two rogue man-eater lions that terrorized Tsavo in the latter part of the 19th century.  There was a great movie with Val Kilmer and Michael Douglas called ‘The Ghost and the Darkness‘ – I highly recommend you watch this!

I have played a three part mini-campaign that leads up to the direwolves appearing in the third scenario. The clicker is that you never know if only one or both will appear.

Resin direwolves from Gamezone Miniatures.  They have other poses as well.Resin direwolves from Gamezone Miniatures. They have other poses as well.
A Dread of Dark Wolves - Pt 02 - The Pack is Ready to Pounce!

Well, that is all for me for now.  I am not sure what else to start in TSB range.  I might continue my team or focus on a single large monster.  I will think about it.

Until then stay safe and have fun.


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nightrunnerChriszebraoutrider Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

Great stuff! ?

Cult of Games Member

I vote a large monster next, particularly if you are busy painting 10mm elves – give you eyes a rest!

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