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From the “Weird” Workbench of Zebraoutrider

From the “Weird” Workbench of Zebraoutrider

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Gloom Trench 1926 - the British Sniper Squad

Tutoring 7
Skill 7
Idea 8
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So here are the British Sniper Heroines now ready to go to battle. After a white spray undercoat I probably spent near on 6 hours painting these ladies up.  Tunics : Steel Legion Drab; wash of Thraka Green; highlight of Deathworld Forest; highlight of Wraithbone 1:1 Deathworld Forest. Buttons: Retributor Armour.  Weapons: Abaddon Black; Highlight Chainmail; Highlight Retributor Armour; Wash Badab Black.  Helmets: Orkhide Shadow; Wash Thraka Green; Wash Seraphim Sepia; chips Chainmail.   Bases: Wash Agrax Earthshade; Highlight Wraithbone; Wash Agrax Earthshade. Base lip: Abaddon Black; ‘ardcoat .  Blue Blouse: Lothern Blue; Wash Drakenhof Nightshade; highlight Lothern Blue 1:1 Wraithbone; Wash Drakenhof Nightshade.  Red hair: Mephiston Red; Wash Babdab Black. Skin: Cadian Fleshtone; Reikland Fleshshade .  Weathering: Vallejo Brown Iron Oxide; Vallejo Light Yellow OchreSo here are the British Sniper Heroines now ready to go to battle. After a white spray undercoat I probably spent near on 6 hours painting these ladies up. Tunics : Steel Legion Drab; wash of Thraka Green; highlight of Deathworld Forest; highlight of Wraithbone 1:1 Deathworld Forest. Buttons: Retributor Armour. Weapons: Abaddon Black; Highlight Chainmail; Highlight Retributor Armour; Wash Badab Black. Helmets: Orkhide Shadow; Wash Thraka Green; Wash Seraphim Sepia; chips Chainmail. Bases: Wash Agrax Earthshade; Highlight Wraithbone; Wash Agrax Earthshade. Base lip: Abaddon Black; ‘ardcoat . Blue Blouse: Lothern Blue; Wash Drakenhof Nightshade; highlight Lothern Blue 1:1 Wraithbone; Wash Drakenhof Nightshade. Red hair: Mephiston Red; Wash Babdab Black. Skin: Cadian Fleshtone; Reikland Fleshshade . Weathering: Vallejo Brown Iron Oxide; Vallejo Light Yellow Ochre
The Resistance Contact - with a nod to friends currently resisting an aggressor! ??The Resistance Contact - with a nod to friends currently resisting an aggressor! ??
Lieutenant ‘Al’Lieutenant ‘Al’
Sniper ‘Bec’Sniper ‘Bec’
Sniper ‘Colleen’Sniper ‘Colleen’
Sniper ‘Sue’Sniper ‘Sue’
Specialist ‘Emma’ with Melta GunSpecialist ‘Emma’ with Melta Gun
Specialist ‘Claire’ with Grenade LauncherSpecialist ‘Claire’ with Grenade Launcher

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