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Imperial Assault - Dusting Off a Forgotten Project

Imperial Assault - Dusting Off a Forgotten Project

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Getting Started

Tutoring 4
Skill 4
Idea 4
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So an easy first step was to clean the painted models. I took anything that was still raw plastic or that has primer only and put them in warm soapy water to soak for a while. I used a standard bucket as there were large models and I wanted to make sure everything got covered. I would periodically spin the bucket to agitate it, but not too rough.

After I woke up I poured the figures and water through a colander to get them out of the water, and then used the faucet sprayer to rinse the models and get any soap off.

Finally, I laid them out on a beach towel and covered them to dry them off, and then let them air dry for another day.

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Cult of Games Member

A Go Daddy towel? Haven’t seen those in a while XD

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