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A tale of two worlds

A tale of two worlds

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The Battle of Horst's Ferry. Conclusion

Tutoring 8
Skill 8
Idea 8

The Battle of Horst’s Ferry.



Well a draw I suppose.  The Prussians got to destroy the tower and caused a good deal of terror but the majority of the refugees and soldiers escaped, along with some very valuable prisoners.   It was great fun to finally get some aerial ships going as well as cavalry as it really moved the game along quickly and presented many new angles of attack (and considerations for defence). It was really hard getting the balance of forces right for this one with the Prussian side having a lot of armour and air ability and the Brits having a lot of well dug in rifles. These certainly stopped the Prussian infantry pretty well but were fairly powerless with the big beasties…probably just how it should have been.



The Battle of Horst's Ferry.   Conclusion
The Battle of Horst's Ferry.   Conclusion
The Battle of Horst's Ferry.   Conclusion

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zorghutchsundancerJill Gorram Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

Only discovered this project with the updates today but what an absolute joy to go back to the beginning and read it all has been. Not normally one for battle reports but these were great; well written, nice photos and telling a fascinating story. How many of you are playing in these games?

Cult of Games Member

2022-06-14 Your project has been visited by the unofficial Hobby Hangout. Huzza!

Cult of Games Member

A fabulous looking project with great terrain an painted figures. And it’s War of the Worlds I still have the original theatre recording with Richard Burton and David Essex @hutch congratulations on the gold button.

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