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It's all Greek to me

It's all Greek to me

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Core Box Done

Tutoring 11
Skill 12
Idea 12

That’s this lot done, 34 plastic Greeks. A mix of peltasts, archers and hoplites. There are a few still on sprue that I’m saving until I know what I’m going to do with them. I knew from the start that I wasn’t going to use them for my hero models which is what the numbers allow for. The Footsore metals are too tempting to not have them leading my forces.

This was my first time working with Little Big Men transfers and it was delightful. So much easier to apply than I was expecting. They also do so much of the work for an army. I have a Bad Squiddo shieldmaidens army to work on later in the summer and I’m hoping I can grab some LBM sheets for them.

The basing material is Geek Gaming Scenics Mediterranean base ready mix and the group bases were rimmed with Steel Legion Drab.

Core Box Done

Spring Clean Challenge Reflections

This wasn’t the project I thought I was going to work on for the Spring Clean Challenge. I was going to work hard on scratch building my table for Dead Man’s Hand, a project I thought I was passionate about.

That’s not how hobby works though for me. It is closely tied to my mental health and I learned a while ago to flow with what I feel and not beat myself up when that diverges from Plans. Part way through the challenge I realised what I wanted to work on was painting minis. Something easy to paint and fun to paint. I had some Burrows and Badgers minis in the queue but then a second idea snuck up on me. It is halfway through the year and I haven’t played a single miniatures game. Not one die has been tossed in combat.

Enter the Footsore email I talked about in the first post. Mortal Gods is a game I bought during the first lockdown because I knew it was a game that gets played at the club I used to go to. I wanted to be able to get deeper into the club and play with people I haven’t before. The club started back in February this year and I haven’t been along yet but if I could get this box painted up, add in some special models from the Footsore offer, it would be a good kick in the pants to get there.

Here we are, a couple of weeks later and the Spring Clean Challenge has done what I needed it to do – chipped away at the unpainted pile and pushed forward my gaming options. I’ll have another post next week once I get to the Footsore bundle but first I have to work on another force for an imminent game. It’s time to stop being “just a painter” and get back to being a gamer.

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Cult of Games Member

2022-06-14 Your project has been visited by the unofficial Hobby Hangout. Huzza!

Cult of Games Member

Impressively fast turn around, hope you have fun getting these on the table for a game or two.

Cult of Games Member

beautiful work there, well done

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