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Demonsub goes all in with Sláine

Demonsub goes all in with Sláine

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Phase 2

Tutoring 3
Skill 3
Idea 3

Today I received my preorder from Warlord Games for the phase 2 release.

Phase 2

These miniatures covers everything else mentioned in the main rulebook. As far a that book is concerned I now have everything. Any future releases will be brand new and unexpected.

Here’s some photos of the miniatures from the boxes.

As you can see the details on these miniatures are amazing, especially the fine work on the cauldron of blood. They’re going to be superb to paint.

I had a breakage. Nothing some superglue won’t fix. I had a breakage. Nothing some superglue won’t fix.
Phase 2

These look great. The bear and boar will be really useful for Frostgrave as well as I don’t have any of those type of miniatures. I probably won’t paint the wolf as I have around eight already painted from Otherworld Miniatures and this one is a little too small to fit with the others. I’m at odds with why they included a porcupine. Of all of the animals to include they could have given us something that is at least native to either the UK, Ireland or Northern Europe. It’s certainly an odd choice and I’ll be adding it to my bits box as I currently have no use for it. I’ll use other miniatures for the beasts of the forest.

Another casualty, there was a split across the front two paws of this bear. Superglue will fix it, but it’s a shame.Another casualty, there was a split across the front two paws of this bear. Superglue will fix it, but it’s a shame.
Phase 2

Just for fun here are all of the packing slips from the boxes I received. Clearly Judit and Alicja did more work than the others, but I think Laura deserves a mention due to her smiley face.

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Cult of Games Member

Old World porcupine They range over the south of Europe and the Levant, most of Africa, India, and Southeast Asia as far east as Flores. so I guess it wouldn’t be to far of a stretch that a few could wondered as far as northern Europe

Cult of Games Member

Golden Button, NOICE

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