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"Sorry About The Mess"

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Rebel Forces

Tutoring 9
Skill 9
Idea 9

“I just got off the comm to Snrak. He had to make repairs at Regoius 7 and he told me that the outpost there has an old YT-1300 they are using to power the repair facility.”


“No, I don’t trust him half as far as you could throw him. But if that YT has a Girodyne SRB42 power injector it’s worth the trip, it’s only a couple of parcecs out of our way.”


“The Empire aren’t going to take any notice us. We’ll just grab what we need and get out of there without drawing any attention”


“No Chewee, I haven’t forgotten… I just hope Snrak has!”

Rebel Forces

Graystoak has invited me to another themed game and this time it was going to be Boba Fett up against Han Solo to see if Fett can claim Jabba’s bounty on the notorious smuggler.  

Han couldn’t face Fett alone and I decided very quickly that Chewbacca would be by his side. For upgrades Han would have Vigilance, Environmental Gear and Up Close and Personal and Chewbacca was upgraded with Emergency Stims, Protector and Situational Awareness. The idea here is that Han will be able to use Steady and Gunslinger to generate dodge tokens, these, combined with his Uncanny Luck and Chewbacca’s Guardian should keep Han alive and stop Fett getting his bounty victory point. Chewbacca has also been kitted up to help soak up Han’s incoming hits and keep him in the fight. 

Rebel Forces

I wanted to add something a little more ‘alien’ to this list and had built a unit out of Rebel aliens, including a few custom 3D prints. These would be fielded as ‘counts as’ Pyke Syndicate foot soldiers.

 (although Graystoak had recently purchased this unit, he hadn’t gotten around to painting them yet)! 

Upgraded with a Pyke Syndicate Capo (AKA Snrak), and the P13-M Disruptor, this squad can grab objectives and add some with some long-range fire support.

Rebel Forces

Next up, I needed to add some corps units to my army and I went with 2 squads of Rebels Veterans and 2 Mark 2 medium blasters. Both Rebel veteran squads had an added CM-O/93 and one was upgraded with a Rebel Officer, Captain Estaban. This would give me a decent gun line. I also added a naked squad of Fleet Troopers as objective grabbers. 

Rebel Forces

Lastly, I needed some punch to my list and I went with 2 squads of my trusted Pathfinders. One with Bistan, one with Pao and both with Duck and Cover, Prepared Supplies and the A-300s. Hopefully these infiltrating units can get in and grab an objective and wait for the rest of the army to catch up. I also added a Rebel Commandos Strike Team with a DH-447 Sniper, mainly to go after Boba Fett and hopefully push though some wounds.


Points: 799 / 800
Activations: 11

Han Solo [100]
Vigilance [5], Environmental Gear [2], Up Close And Personal [5]

Chewbacca: Walking Carpet [90]
Emergency Stims [8], Protector [5], Situational Awareness [2]

Rebel Veterans [48]
CM-O/93 Trooper [26], Rebel Officer [16]

Rebel Veterans [48]
CM-O/93 Trooper [26]

Mark II Medium Blaster Trooper [38]

Mark II Medium Blaster Trooper [38]

Pyke Syndicate Foot Soldiers [40]
P13-M Disruptor Soldier [24], Pyke Syndicate Capo [16]

Fleet Troopers [40]

Special Forces
Rebel Pathfinders [56]
Prepared Supplies [5], A-300 Config [0], Duck and Cover [2], Bistan [28]

Rebel Pathfinders [56]
Prepared Supplies [5], A-300 Config [0], Duck and Cover [2], Pao [20]

Rebel Commandos Strike Team [20]
DH-447 Sniper [28]

[1 pip] Sorry About the Mess
[1 pip] Sabotaged Communications
[2 pip] Reckless Diversion
[2 pip] Push
[3 pip] Notorious Scoundrels
[3 pip] Change of Plans

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