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Demonsub is Exploring Space Station Zero

Demonsub is Exploring Space Station Zero

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The Long Dark - Challenge 2: The Darkened Hall

Tutoring 10
Skill 11
Idea 10
The next area was a long corridor. It seemed simple enough, no dangers here.The next area was a long corridor. It seemed simple enough, no dangers here.
Marik, the veteran soldier, started to walk forward and all hell let loose, specifically lasers. The whole corridor was fitted with some sort of laser grid, which Marik tripped. Four drones appeared, and started shooting, while high powered lasers lit up the corridor making movement dangerous. Marik, the veteran soldier, started to walk forward and all hell let loose, specifically lasers. The whole corridor was fitted with some sort of laser grid, which Marik tripped. Four drones appeared, and started shooting, while high powered lasers lit up the corridor making movement dangerous.
Some of the walls had seen better days and with lasers going off this caused sections to collapse, one injuring Vassa, the scientist, and another catching Doctor Willard.Some of the walls had seen better days and with lasers going off this caused sections to collapse, one injuring Vassa, the scientist, and another catching Doctor Willard.
Commander Krit noticed a damaged control console which he rushed to and started pulling wires trying to repair it and shut down the laser grid. He took a few burns from a laser while moving to it.Commander Krit noticed a damaged control console which he rushed to and started pulling wires trying to repair it and shut down the laser grid. He took a few burns from a laser while moving to it.
Vassa, following the Commander's example, rushes over to help but is taken down by a laser to the knee.Vassa, following the Commander's example, rushes over to help but is taken down by a laser to the knee.
While the lasers were eventually deactivated, the rest of the crew concentrated fire into the drones who were swiftly taken down. No one suffered any injuries due to drone fire thanks to their armour.  The area was made safe, and Vassa’s injured knee was soon better thanks to Doctor Willard.While the lasers were eventually deactivated, the rest of the crew concentrated fire into the drones who were swiftly taken down. No one suffered any injuries due to drone fire thanks to their armour. The area was made safe, and Vassa’s injured knee was soon better thanks to Doctor Willard.

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Darren Harmonwarbossd Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

Great work on this project mate. Love every aspect of it. The storytelling, photography, use of miniatures and terrain. Inspirational.

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