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The GREAT BATTLE of our time

The GREAT BATTLE of our time

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Rounds 8 and 9. The death of the Wonder of the South...

Tutoring 8
Skill 8
Idea 8

The round began with the light side winning the priority roll. During the movement phase, the Calembel guardians attacked in every flank.

The remnants of the elves on the barricades charged the trolls to prevent them to advance to the walls… they did their job, but with heavy loses due to the brutes hammers. Meanwhile the group of dwarves had been wiped out…

…all of them? No! It was still ONE dwarf captain around, and it survived for the rest of the round. In response to such tenacity, the siege tower finally decided to veer off course to evade the ongoing combat… even the last of that sons of Dúrin would pester to the end…

On the left flank, there was another character as weary as the day is long. The LAST dúnadan still was trying to slow down the march of my troops… as if they weren’t already slow enough…

On the right flank, the skirmish resulted in total annihilation of the kataphracts, and the barrow-wights proved to be no match against the knights and the elves, althought their extremely high armor allowed them to hold off their enemies for a bit longer.

The soldiers that were on the fortress at last began to suffer serious casualties, because I used the majority of my ranged weapons there. There were closer targets, but all of them were engaged in combat with my own soldiers, and I got a super-power that consists in obtaining rolls of six whenever there is any possibility to hurt myself. My enemies also had good successes using bows, because the hobbits from the tower killed one of my spearmen… the one that was supporting the Mahud chieftain on the walls!

And then It happened…

The pointed-eared cowards attacked again poor Elly… and finally, after supporting more hits that she could stand, the wonder of the South, the greatest of Mûmaks, the Oliphaunt of my dreams… WAS KILLED!!!

The result was extremely annoying… NOT A SINGLE WARRIOR over the oliphaunt survived the falling damage!! ALL haradrim were dead in the accident, they dropped like flies… including the Haradrim chieftain that still was on the upper part of the Mûmak castle. The sole survivor of the collapsing Mûmak was the Mahud beastmaster, that just went down the beast the round before… he couldn’t believe his luck… althought being completely alone on top of a wall, with your back to the void, surrounded by enemies, was not a very pleasant expectation…

The rules suggest that you use some difficult terrain to represent the body of the mûmakil if it becomes a casualty, so we used a beautiful green hill that reminded me of a wonderful tomb of a giant king…

Rounds 8 and 9. The death of the Wonder of the South...

Situation at the end of second session, after 12 hours of gameplay.

Rounds 8 and 9. The death of the Wonder of the South...

And then another milestone occurred. The light side had finally killed enough soldiers to trigger the reinforcements. The dark side had reached the limit of 50 miniatures killed, and althought the light side had severe loses (almost 80 enemies defeated!!!) my cousin had been able to slow my assault. And the rohirrim had to join the fray…

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Why is he singing Iron Maiden!? XD

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