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From the “Weird” Workbench of Zebraoutrider

From the “Weird” Workbench of Zebraoutrider

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Herbie goes to Gaslands

Tutoring 10
Skill 11
Idea 11

Herbie loved his new owners. They seemed like a very caring group of friends. Not only did they take it in turns to drive, they made sure their automatic machine guns were properly stored and didn’t scratch the internal furnishings or leather seats. However, today they seemed a bit lost and needed to turn off the Best of Belinda Carlisle, get out and listen for the gunshots in the distance. That would tell them how far away they were from their prey. Herbie’s engine purred like a contented feline just waiting to get the signal to roar off into the wasteland…

Miniatures chosen: Wargames Foundry: SV015 - Mistress Trudes Girls ‘Fifi’; SV016 - Junos Crew ‘Juno’ (converted into driver); SV038 - Mistress Medusas’ Gang - ‘Mistress Peach’ and ‘Mistress Pandora’. ‘Herbie’ customised from a Tamiya 1/48th Volkswagen Type 82E Staff Car model kit. Diorama mounted on a Legend Games 100mm round skull base. Miniatures chosen: Wargames Foundry: SV015 - Mistress Trudes Girls ‘Fifi’; SV016 - Junos Crew ‘Juno’ (converted into driver); SV038 - Mistress Medusas’ Gang - ‘Mistress Peach’ and ‘Mistress Pandora’. ‘Herbie’ customised from a Tamiya 1/48th Volkswagen Type 82E Staff Car model kit. Diorama mounted on a Legend Games 100mm round skull base.

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Chriszebraoutriderzorg Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

Congratulations @zebraoutrider brilliant work on your protect figures an terrain for gaming with.

Cult of Games Member

Congrats on the Golden Button, really inspired idea for a little diorama.

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