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Ermagerd Blerd Berl

Ermagerd Blerd Berl

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First Few

Tutoring 4
Skill 5
Idea 4

I reckon Blood Bowl gives me a good chance of getting a game when I move city. I have a very well painted Orc team from the 90s (when I could see better and, y’know, be arsed) but I’ve not used it in about 10 years, it’s now just too precious to game with. I’m kicking off my C21 Blood Bowl experience with … more Orcs!

First FourFirst Four

I’ve been to a couple of ice hockey games and have tried to nod towards the Manchester Storm (working title: the Slamchester Stormboyz).

Obligatory Lloyd ShotObligatory Lloyd Shot

The Lloyd shot particularly relevant to Blood Bowl with the standard of turning a model around when it’s activated.

These may end up as test models (there’s a reason the thrower is #2, not #1 – I expect the next one to be better). I like the paint scheme, but want a few changes to the basing. I didn’t want a pristine Premier League or NFL pitch but may have gone too far the other way with the tufts.

I’ll use fewer/smaller with the next batch and see whether I want to live with the difference. If I can’t I’ll try to fix the bases but I will need a second box of minis, so will have have spare throwers and linemen.

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somegeezerrickabod41 Recent comment authors
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loving the colour scheme!

You know me die hard fan of Blood Bowl, so its nice to see someone else throwing up a project!

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