The Nottingham |Cheese Riot of 1766-The Game
I predict a riot
The game ended with MOB A wining thanks to the meat and cheese they obtained. Mob B was second thanks to their best cheese. MOB C got no cheese but killed a dragoon. Everyone had fun and being interested in the history liked the tabletop reprentstion of events. It made me wonder if I could do other historical events. We will play this again in the future and the only change would be making it easier to get cards. I’d like to add more buildings to the table edges and more market stalls because the table looked a bit empty. Other than that I was pleased with how it worked. Maybe next time I’ll do a game on the reform Bill riots of 1831 or the time democratic minded folk got dunked in the river. Who can drench the most innocent bystanders for their political views.
This has been great, really well done!
Brilliant work @denzien congratulations.