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Deadzone/Firefight Slow Grow

Deadzone/Firefight Slow Grow

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So The game

Tutoring 7
Skill 7
Idea 7
1 Comment

Ok, with the team picked I went for game 1 against Forge Fathers.

I was using magnetic tile toys as terrain which was planned, and Haribo for my tokens which was not. Items were tokened courtesy of my opponent.

We chose scenario 1, the board was set up as seen below.

I won first turn thanks to my Pathfinder Sergeant’s low recon target with 2 more successes than my opponent, allowing me identifying the Intel pre game.

I then used the scout abilities to make my pregame run action for those that good, securing said intel for 2 vp’s thanks to the Hacker ability. Amazing start!

The first turn was fairly quiet, mostly both sides just manoeuvring forwards. I did manage to get onto the closest 2 vp objective tile. I managed to take a single shot on a dwarf but thanks to his leaders special ability he was able to recover his one hit easily.


So The game

Turns 2 and 3 blur into one.

I lost the pathfinder on the objective to gunfire but my burst laser chap moved along and opened up on his flamer dwarf and lit him up driving his buddy to floor beside him. In the middle, thanks to a command dice i was able to bring my sniper up and take a long action and take out his leader. His Power armoured dwarf charged my sniper who managed to survive.

Then I made my first mistake. Scouts are not good at close combat to the surprise of no one, but I decided to charge my Sergeant in to try and save the sniper – to a draw, fine. However I had a CC command dice so why wouldn’t I use it.. because my sergeant got killed that’s why!!

Anyway when the dust settled the points were still not too bad, I was still winning having lost 2 scouts and the sergeant.

So The game

In the final turn his last militia ran a hail mary run and ran top the objective and kill my burst laser chap, which was a bummer!

I managed to run my sniper our of the cube for a hit and took a shot… one hit that was removed thanks to lifeguard…. but it was ok I had shoot command dice there was hope.

I then made my second mistake – I forgot you could use the command dice to take a long shot, depriving myself of 2 dice. As it was I caused 1 wound so by law of averages if I had I might have got that illusive 2nd kill shot.

His Armoured dwarf then shot my sniper winning the game 12-10.

I was left with just one enforcer who as you play the rest of the turn before calling it fluffed his shot at the guy so then had to return to command to explain what he had seen!


So The game

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