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Spring Clean Challenge Giger's Genestealers

Spring Clean Challenge Giger's Genestealers

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If at first

Tutoring 8
Skill 8
Idea 9

This didn’t go quite as well as I’d hoped. I gave the model a heavy drybrush, that way I hoped when I dipped the model the wood stain would darken I the recesses

If at first

I then dipped the model in the wood stain. It did not go well.

If at first

I’m not sure if it was the stain or the amount that went on at one go, but it didn’t work.

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Cult of Games Member

I think the stain kinda works? its got a cool Blanchesq vibe that might work with some burnt umber for the shadows and crimson reds as points of interest?

Cult of Games Member

Hit it with a blue to darken it a bit more. Prussian blue, aluzarin crimson and burnt umber paint mixed in oils gives a believable black. Modify as you need to get where you need to. Perhaps @avernos could do a Gerry Can on painting black while not using black (try green black.. argh).

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