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Marvel Crisis Protocol by Lawnor

Marvel Crisis Protocol by Lawnor

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Full Day 2 (After 9 evenings): Spiderman, Captains America and Marvel, and Crosbones

Tutoring 3
Skill 3
Idea 3
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It’s day 4 of the 4 day Easter weekend.  I should probably go learn to play Aeon Trespass but I’m so close to finishing this round of the project.  I’m also still not quite over whatever I’m reacting to whatever has been upsetting my face.  I might also have an unplanned houseguest turning up at some random point in the day and I don’t want to be caught solo board gaming.  It feels a little odd.  I’m making excuses, so I give in and spend the day painting.

Lets thin the herd.  Captain marvel just has hair to go so let’s do that.  Should be quick and simple and a good way to start the days work.

Base: Reaper 09256 Blond Shadow
Wash: Coat d’arms 133 Flesh Ink Wash
Layer Highlight 1: Blond Shadow
Layer Highlight 2: Reaper 09257 Blond Hair
Layer Highlight 3: Reaper 09258 Blond Highlight

And she’s off to the Done pile

Full Day 2 (After 9 evenings): Spiderman, Captains America and Marvel, and Crosbones

I’m putting off that white as long as I can.  White can be a pain.  Let’s do Captain America’s leathers

Base: P3 Bootstrap Leather
Drybrush and layer: P3 Hammerfall Khaki
Wash: GW Agrax Earthshade

Full Day 2 (After 9 evenings): Spiderman, Captains America and Marvel, and Crosbones

Still avoiding the white, let’s do the steel

Base: P3 Pig iron
Wash Captain Americas buckle with GW Seraphim Sepia
Wash the rest with GW Nuln Oil where safe
That girder gets one thick coat of GW Typhus Corrosion
Drybrush the girder with a little GW Ryza Rust to taste
Layer highlight buckles etc with P3 Cold Steel
Drybrush the edges of the girder (Anywhere that might get enough wear to work off the rust) with Cold Steel

Full Day 2 (After 9 evenings): Spiderman, Captains America and Marvel, and Crosbones

I guess I can’t put off the white any longer.  Let’s figure this out.

Base: 50/50 mix of P3 Morrow White and Reaper 09148 Ghoul Skin to get a light grey
Pin Wash: Ghoul Skin just to the mouth of Crossbones’ mask
Layer 1: add more white to the above
Layer 2: add more white to the above
Never go pure white, unless you want some real high glints

Hmm. That was quite simple and worked well enough for how little white there is.  It even had good coverage over that black primer.  I’m not going to complain!

Full Day 2 (After 9 evenings): Spiderman, Captains America and Marvel, and Crosbones

Well, there’s no avoiding it.  Everything is done except the shield.  I could have just painted it the same as the rest of him and it would have been fine.  A little flat, but fine.  I could have finished it with a gloss of satin varnish, but I feared it’d just look wet.  However when I was doing my research I stumbled in to this video by Sorastra and I knew I had to at lest try it.

I got multiple tabs open.  One showing his finished shield I could look at, and another with the video playing on, usually frozen at the start of his next step so I could see what he’d do ne with the current step.  I didn’t use the paints he used, but continued to use the equivalent ones that I’d already used painting the rest of Captain America.  I did use 3 extra paints:

P3 Cygnus Yellow instead of GW Yriel Yellow
VMC 70.918 Ivory
P3 Thamar Black

I didn’t understand the Why of some of what he did, and I could never have come up with this by myself.  However, following his instructions, I didn’t find it hard to do this.  I got my wet palette out for the first time in a long time and made sure all my paints were super thin, and I got better results than I feared for less effort than I expected.  For extra thrills, know that I did all of this with a cheapo synthetic brush that I’ve been using for a few weeks and only cost me 8.5p, instead of the £10 ish I used to spend on Kolinski Sables.  It should be trash, but it works well.

There’s just enough time left in the day for basing and varnishing.  I’ll see you in the next post.

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