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Rising from the Ashes - Jodain's Spring Clean

Rising from the Ashes - Jodain's Spring Clean

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72 Down, 95 to go

Tutoring 6
Skill 6
Idea 7

Rather slower in terms of painting this week compared to last week.

I did manage to finish painting the 4 Isawa Elite Pikeman (unfortunately I only have 4 as they are very nice figures), along with Isawa Tadaka (Master of Earth) and Isawa Uona (Master of Air).  I continued with the grey slapcop method as it allows the colours to look brighter and as before keeps the yellow yellow.  The Orange is Speed Paint Fire Giant Orange, the yellow is Contrast Ironjaw Yellow, whilst the red is Baal Red.

I haven’t mentioned my basing yet.  I start with a coat of Vallejo Dark Earth Texture paint, which then gets a drybrush of Vallejo Dark Sand.  To finish off I add a piece of Army Painter Mountain Rocks basing which I’ve had around for this project for a long time.  The tufts, with and without flowers are from Debris of War.

72 Down, 95 to go

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Cult of Games Member

2023-04-25 Your project has been visited by the unofficial Hobby Hangout. Huzza!

Cult of Games Member

I wasn’t much of a fan of the Phoenix but these minis keep coming out great. Keep at it.

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