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SAGA: Ages of Ages

SAGA: Ages of Ages

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Speedpainting Spartans part 2

Tutoring 6
Skill 6
Idea 6

Now on to metalics.  There will be good speedpaint options soon but I’m stuck with a two part standard acrylic approach for now.  Spear head and butt spike first in Vallejo Gunmetal (not pictured).  Thn the skull cap which a few painters render in either leather or linen colours but I want in bronze.  For a nice bright bronze I go with a mid tone gold with a more coppery highlight. Glorious gold to start then – doesn’t matter if this is a bit patchy – any patches with the white showing through will provide a bit more interest and light variance in the final effect.

Did the basic earth colour on the base next.

Leatherwork next and rather than a basic leather shade I’m preferring this redder colour that I think looks good with ancients, Vallejo Burnt Red.

Bonewhite drybrush highlight on the base.

Back to the metal ics again for smaller details on the figure and the basic colours on the shield, gold front (over a white base coat) and red leather interior (over bare metal).  Once painted we attach the shield.  Scrape off paint on the forearm to ensure there is a metal to metal join which is a better quality of hold for the superglue.

Now the bronze highlight on all the gold bits to give us a nice bright bronze colour.  Sycorax Bronze from Citadel is not great for coverage either but the two rather thin colours overlayed give a final metal effect with depth and complexity.

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Cult of Games Member

More nice work on the pointy end! 8)

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