Spring Clean 2023. Painting everything from 2022
Bandits (North Star Miniatures (Metal))
The Vallejo Xpress Color that I ordered while out of stock in January arrived a few weeks ago so I thought I’d give it a try.
Everything had already been primed in Vallejo IDF Israeli Sand Grey Surface Primer. I then drybrushed the miniatures with Pale Sand (Vallejo Model Colour). Next time I will give the miniatures a wash with Payne’s Grey wash then drybrush to see if that makes a difference (Except for the yellow)
Next I did the skin and eyes, trying to get a slight sunburnt look
Base: Dark Flesh (Vallejo Game Color OOP)
Layer: Tan Earth (Vallejo Model Air)
Layer: Barbarian Flesh (The Army Painter)
Glaze: Tan Earth
Highlight: Tan Earth mixed with Ice Yellow (Vallejo Model Color)
I tried using various Xpress Colors under and on top of Black Lotus for the black areas but was getting nowhere so ended up using Liquitex Black ink followed a Pale Sand drybrush.
Apart from the metals the rest of the miniatures were painted with Xpress Colors followed by a Pale Sand Drybrush and if required a glaze of the original Xpress.
Shirts: Templar White
Pantaloons/Trousers, Felt hat: Space Grey
Leather and Wood: Copper Brown
Hair: Wasteland Brown
All the yellow: Imperial Yellow
The metals were base coated black, then after varnishing a mixture of Gunmetal (Vallejo Model Color), Panzer Dark Grey (Vallejo Model Air) and Airbrush thinner was applied leaving some of the black as a shadow.
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