Rising from the Ashes - Jodain's Spring Clean
103 down, 64 to go
I’ve not got round to posting over the last two bank holiday weekends, which is strange as I’ve had an extra day off on both weekends. Oh well.
Still I have continued to make good progress on the Phoenix Clan Army.
A bit of a mixture here, first off is the well known Phoenix mounted archers (who am I kidding), the better known Hurricane Initiates (there are another 6 that need stripping and repainting).
For the Avalanche Guard I decided that the grey slapchop would give the models to rocky look I was going for with just red trousers and an orange belt to bring them into the Phoenix army. With them in the third photo is Isawa Kaede the master of the void.
The final photograph is a unit of Shiba House Guard, I’ve painted these to match Shiba Tsukune.
This post marks the point where I have finally got over half-way through the project and nearly past the two-thirds point. The storage has also had to expand to allow for the next few batches of miniatures so rather than one GW three layer case it now has two (good job I had an empty one in the cave).
The downside to today’s post is that there will be a delay in getting these on a show table as their opponents aren’t going to be completed. On the upside it gives me the time and opportunity to build out the army and add my test of honour miniatures into the Phoenix Clan.
2023-05-23 Your project has been visited by the unofficial Hobby Hangout. Huzza!