The power pick is meant to be good in game. Shotguns are meant to be good. I can't take any responsibility for making good choices as I had made the basic build from the Kill Team boxes before considering a Necromunda gang.
Jokaero orange is less fierce than the trollslayer type orange. When it was washed with Agrax Earthshade it looked ok, but I did need to go back in with highlights of the Jokaero orange. I left the Grey Seer shoulder pads with no wash and was happy the way that they stand out as a result.
There's a loin cloth on some of the minis that only seems to be there as a cult identifier rather than having a role. I used Sigvald Burgundy as a base for the red cloth and the cult clothes. I used Army Painter Pure Red as a highlight on some and Vallejo Game Colour Bloody Red on others just for variety.
I used Iyanden Yellow contrast paint for the over the shoulder lamps. I used snakebite leather contrast paint on the boots and pouches, but for variety also heavy highlighted with Rhinox Hide and Mournfang Brown occasionally. The metal work was a mix of Leadbelcher or Stormhost Silver hit with Nulin Oil wash. There was also some Retributor Armour washed down with Reikland Fleshshade on the cult symbols and parts of the weaponry.
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